One key body of work that I have recently come across is the SXS Collaboration who have aggregated together a gold mine of scientific work from LIGO and associated institutions and scientists in regards to gamma-ray bursts and hypernovea. This particular simulation is a numerical model, by Philipp Mosta of Berkley University, which shows the electromagnetic field lines within the hypernova. Watch how the jet forms, along the axis defined by the pole, following the existing flow of rotation. Also note the multiple layers that ultimately are shaped into a series of concentric ringed vortices.
Here in this cross-section of the simulation, 20 milliseconds after core bounce, we can see the basic pattern of two output jets fed by an input accretion disc. Off course, looking at the larger image from Philipp Mosta's paper, it does makes me consider the problem of Baryon asymmetry in terms of there being a wobble in the jet.
Now a key argument that I am trying to communicate is the idea that quantum fields such as the electromagnetic field have an origin story. That is that they arose from the vortices arising from the Big Bang Hypernova event. But gravity is a different matter because it had to exist as a force within the SuperVerse and is why Julian Barbour’s work is a key piece in my thinking.
Taking both the simulations of the electromagnetic field lines within a hypernova and scaling it up to the next level we arrive at a simple equivalence statement following the logic of self-similar patterns. Gravity is equivalent to the electromagnetic force but on the next scale up.
That is, the force we know as gravity is equivalent to the electromagnetic force in the SuperVerse. It was the force of the field lines of gravity caused by the nova of the MacLean that gave shape to our CPT-symmetric universe. The particle representation of that field being to us a black hole. Or rather we see it as a single quantum system as to a single atom or collection of atoms, in a Bose-Einstein condensate, is a single quantum system to us as well.
Gravity is equivalent to the electromagnetic force but on the next scale up. Let us reinforce this statement by looking at solidity. I cannot pass my hand through my desk because to me, at my scale, it is solid. But ultimately it is because of the repulsion between the electrons in the atoms' of my hand and the electrons in the atoms of my desk. This repulsion between the same charged electrons, carried by the electromagnetic force, causes the desk to appear solid. Remember that the vast majority of space, in fact 99.999,999,999,999,6% of space, is vacuum.
Now we imagine our MacLean like star measuring over a billion light years in diameter as having an electromagnetic field. But this actual field is what is to us we call gravity. The MacLean in the Bootes supervoid has solidity and existed in a time before our universe was born into the much larger SuperVerse. The jet-a-verse that is our universe flowed around and enveloped the Bootes MacLean for which to us is a supervoid. This act implies solidity that we in fact currently call “Dark Energy”. As the electromagnetic force imbues solidity to our universe so too does gravity imply solidity to the SuperVerse that exists on the next scale up.