Our universe came into being because of an unimaginable sun like object, outside the confines of our own existence, going nova. This nova released a pair of astrophysical jets travelling away from each other, one of which is our universe as we have come to know it. In turn, this jet has a concentric circular ringed structure whose mechanical physical process gives rise to the laws of physics as we know them. This in a nutshell is the story of our creation that I wish to paint for you. [1][2]
The formation of an input accretion disc feeds a black hole whose output is a pair of astrophysical jets each with a concentric ringed shaped structure. The black hole born, in the heart of a hypernova, produces this dynamic pattern of behaviour. The video shown is a MHD General Relativistic simulation by the University of Amsterdam and Berkley. This concentric ringed imprint is to be found on the Microwave Sky as identified by Roger Penrose. [1][2]
The current story, that has come about through long scientific exploration, debate and consensus, is the one described by the Lambda-CDM model; colloquially known as the standard model of cosmology. So what is it that makes me believe in my own story I tell as opposed to that told by the Lambda-CDM model? A great many things.

Example of a concentric ringed structure identified by Penrose on the CMB. [2].
The idea of two astrophysical jets travelling away from one another, each the mirror image of the other, lends vision to answering some of the most outstanding questions in modern physics.
Firstly, that other jet, the mirror image to our own universe, answers the question “What happened to all the matter and anti-matter in the exact moments proceeding the Big Bang event?”. More so this answer is a predicted consequence of Charge-Parity-Time symmetry, an established fundamental law of particle physics.
In the CPT-Symmetry in a SuperVerse episode we fully begin to explore this connection between jets and CPT-Symmetry.
Another question “What is the arrow of time and why is time, unlike spatial dimensions, unidirectional?” Again we can see a simple answer: The directional arrow of time arises from the unidirectional direction of the jet itself. In fact, as I will attempt to argue, the fabric of spacetime comes into existence as a direct result arising from the physical mechanics of the jet itself.
As a roadmap, I’ll begin by quickly reviewing the properties of fractal patterns with a particular focus on self-similarity and scale invariance. From there I’ll discuss a number of recent observations and discoveries that in effect undermines the currently accepted cosmological principle. This principle states that the spatial distribution of matter throughout the universe is both isotropic and homogenous on a sufficiently large enough scale.

On the left is a graphical depiction of the Lambda-CDM cosmological model. On the right is a multi-wavelength view of the Hercules A Radio Galaxy showing a pair of astrophysical jets. Does the graphical depiction of the expansion of the universe not look at an expanding jet to you?[4][5]
In its place I’ll attempt to show that the cosmological principle is in fact fractal geometry employing the ideas so far put forward in relation to the new scientific field of fractal cosmology. But also I will put forward my ideas as I attempt to paint the picture of the actual shape, structure and evolution of a universal self-similar pattern that is present throughout the whole of nature.
From there I will explore the mysteries and questions posed by matter and anti-matter that is the focus of research at places like the CERN. Going hand-in-hand with this I’ll discuss CPT-symmetry and start exploring the mysterious arrow of time. All the while showing how this one simple idea of mine fits perfectly into place.
Moving on from there we’ll look to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, the afterglow of the Big Bang event. This jet, that is our universe, has a structure and its imprinted echo is to be found in the various anomalies seen in the background radiation.
Conversely, where appropriate, I'll present the alternative ideas and hypothesises in the context of the Lambda-CDM model as a counter balance to my idea. Then you can decide which one provides a more plausible explanation of everything.
- [1] Formation of Precessing Jets by Tilted Black Hole Discs in 3D General Relativistic MHD Simulations - M. Liska, C. Hesp, A. Tchekhovskoy, A. Ingram, M. van der Klis, S. Markoff
- [2] Concentric circles in WMAP data may provide evidence of violent pre-Big-Bang activity. V. G. Gurzadyan and R. Penrose
- [3] The matter-antimatter asymmetry problem - CERN
- [4] ΛCDM Model of Cosmology - NASA
- [5] A Multi-Wavelength View of Radio Galaxy Hercules A - NASA